In English ecclesiastical law. The title of a person admitted to a rectory or other benefice will be divested unless within two months after actual posses-slon he publicly read in the church of the benefice, upon some Lord's day, and at the appointed times, the morning and evening service, according to the book of common prayer; and afterwards, publicly before the congregation, declare his assent to such book; and also publicly read the thirty-nine artlcles in the same church, in the time of common prayer, with declaration of his as-sent thereto; and moreover, within three months after his ndmlssion, read upon some Lord's day in the same church, in the presence of the congregation, in the time of divine service, a declaration by him subscrlb-ed before the ordinary, of conformity to the Liturgy, together with the certificate of the ordinary of its having been so subscribed. 2 Steph. Comm. (7th Ed.) 687; wharton
Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)