Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

S Iii

e estate ot a deceased person, corn-prising all kinds of property owned or claimed hy him, as well as hls debts and obllga-tions, and considered as a legal entity (ac* cording to the notion of the Roman law) for certain purposes, such as collecting assets and paying debts. See Davenport v. Adler, 52 La. Ann. 263, 26 South. 836; Adams v. Aker-lund, 168 111. 632, 48 N. E. 454; Quarles v. Clayton, 87 Tenn. 308, 10 S. W. 505, 3 L. R. A. 170; State v. Payne, 129 Mo. 468, 31 S. W. 797, 33 L. R. A. 576; Blake v. McCartney, 3 Fed. Cas. 596; In re Henden’s Estate, 52 Cal. 298

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)