Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries


This term is commonly used in indictments for larceny, (“take, steal, and carry a way,") and denotes the commission of theft. But, in popular usage, “stealing" seems to be a wider term than “larceny,” in-asmuch as it may include the unlawful appropriation of things whlch are not technic-ally the subject of larceny, e. g., Immovables. See Randall v. Evening News Ass’n, 101 Mich. 561, 60 N. W. 301; People v. Du-mar, 42 Hun (N. Y.) 85; Com. v. Kelley, 184 Mass. 320, 68 N. E. 346; Holmes v. Gilman, 64 Hun, 227, 19 N. Y. Supp. 151; Dun-nell v. Flske, 11 Metc. (Mass.) 554; Barnhart v. State, 154 Ind. 177, 56 N. E. 212. —Stealing children. See Kidnapping

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)