Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries


In maritime law. The drifting, driving, or running aground of a ship on a shore or strand. Accidental strand-ing takes place where the ship is driven on shore by the winds and waves. Voluntary stranding takes place where the ship is run on shore either to preserve her from a worse fate or for some fraudulent purpose. Marsh. Ins. bk. 1, c. 12, | 1. See Barrow v. Bell, 4 Barn. A C. 736; Strong v. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 31 N. Y. 106, 88 Am. Dec. 242; Lake v. Columbus Ins. Co., 13 ohio, 55, 42 Am. Dec. 188; London Assur. Co. v. Companhla de Moagens, 167 U. S. 149, 17 Sup. Ct. 785, 42 L. Ed. 113

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)