Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

Substitutional, Substitution-Ary

where a will contains a gift of property tq a class of persons, with a clause providing that on the death of a member of the class before the period of distribution bis share is to go to his Issue, (lf any,) so as to substitute them for him, the gift to tbe issue is said to be substitutional or substitutionary: A bequest to such ot the children of A. as shall be living at the testator's death, with a direction that the issue of such as Bhall have died shall take the shares which their parents would have taken, if living at the testator’s death, is an example. Sweet. See Acken v. osborn, 45 N. J. Eq. 377, 17 AU. 767; In re De Laveaga’s Estate, 119 Cal. 651, 51 Pac. 1074

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)