Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

Supreme Court Of Judicature

The court formed by the English judicature act, 1873, (as modified by the judicature act, 1875, the appellate jurisdiction act, 1876, and the judicature acts of 1877, 1879, and 1881,) in substitution for the various su-Iierlor courts of law, equity, admiralty, pro* bate, and divorce, existing when the act was passed, including the court of appeal in chan-cery and bankruptcy, and the exchequer chamber. It consists of two permanent di-vislons. viz., a court of original jurisdiction, called the “high court of justice," and a court of appellate jurisdiction, called the “court of appeal.” Its title of “supreme" is now a misnomer, ns the superior appellate jurisdiction of the house of lords and privy council, which was originally intended to be transferred to it, has been allowed to remain. Sweet

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)