Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

Unfair Competition

A term which may be applied generally to all dls-honest or fraudulent rivalry in trade and commerce, but is particularly applied in the courts of equity (where it may be restrained by injunction) to the practice of endeavoring to substitute one's own goods or products in the markets for those of another, having an established refutation and extensive sale, hy means of imitating or counterfeiting the name, title, size, shape, or distinctive pe-culiarltiea of the article, or the shape, color, label, wrapper, or general appearance of the package, or other such simulations, the Imitation being carried far enough to inlslead the general public or deceive an unwary purchaser, and yet not amounting to an absolute counterfeit or to the in-frlngement of a trade-mark or trade-name. Called In France nnd Germany “concurrence deloyale.” See Reddnwny v. Bau-ham. [18961 App. Caa. 199; Singer Mfg. Co. ▼. June Mfg. Co.. 163 U. 8. 169, 16 Sup. Ct

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)