Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

Unsound Mind

A person of unsound mind is an adult who from infirmity of mind is incapable of managing himself or his af-falrs. The term, therefore, Includes Insane persons, Idiots, and imbeciles. Street. See Insanity. And see Cheney v. Price. 90 Hun, 238, 37 N. Y. Supp. 117; In re Black’s Estate, 1 Myr. Prob. (Cal.) 24; In re Mason, 3 Edw. Ch. (N. Y.) 380; Hart v. Miller, 29 Ind. App. 222, 64 N. E. 239; In re Lindsley, 44 N. J. Eq. 504, 15 Atl. 1, 6 Am. St. Rep. 913; Dennett v. Dennett, 44 N. H. 531, 84 Am. Dec. 97; Edwards v. Davenport (C. C.) 20 Fed. 758; witte v. Gilbert, 10 Neb. 539, 7 N. W. 288; Stewart v. Lispenard, 2G wend. (N. Y.) 300

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)