Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries


A current of water; a body of flowing water. The word, in its ordinary d&nse, includes rivers. But Callis defines a stream “a current of waters ruuuiug over the level at random, and not kept in with banks or walls.” Call. Sew. 183,] 133. See Munson v. Uuugerford, 6 Barb. (N. Y.) 270; French v. Carhart, 1 N. Y. 107; Miller v. Black Rock Springs Imp. Co., 99 Va. 747, 40 S. E. 27, 86 Am. St Rep. 924; Armfield v. State, 27 Ind. App. 48S, 61 N. E. 693; Trus-tees of Schools v. Schroll, 120 IlL 509, 12 N. E. 243, 60 Am. Rep. 575

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)