Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries


The act of a body of workmen employed by the same master, in stopping work all together at a prearranged time, and refusing to continue untii higher wages, or shorter time, or some other concession is grauted to them by the employer. See Farm-ers’ L. & T. Co. v. Northern Pac. R. Co. (C. C.) 60 Fed. 819; Arthur v. oakes, 63 Fed. 327, 11 C. G. A. 209, 25 L. R. A. 414; Rail-road Co. v. Bowns, 58 N. Y. 582; Longshore Printing Co. v. Howell, 26 or. 527, 38 Pac. 547, 28 L. R. A. 464, 46 Am. SL Rep. 640

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)