Black's Law Dictionary (2nd edition)dictionaries

Superstitious Use

In Engllsh law. when lands, tenements, rents, goods, or chattels are given, secured, or appointed for and towards the maintenance of a priest or chaplain to say mass, for the maintenance of a priest or other man to pray for tbe sonl of any dead man in euch a church or else* where, to have and maintain perpetual obits, lamps, torches, etc., to be used at certaln tlmes to help to save the souls of men out of purgatory,—ln such cases the king, by force of several statutes, is authorlzed to direct and appoint all such uses to such purposee as are truly charitable. Bac. Abr. “Charitable Uses." See Methodist Church v. Remington, 1 watts (Pa.) 225, 26 Am. Dec. 61; Harrison v. Brophy, 59 Kan. 1, 51 Fac. 883, 40 L. R. A. 721

Source: Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed (1910)